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Bottom Times Newsletter (NOV)

We're Back!

After a considerable hiatus from publication, our venerable and much celebrated Club newsletter is back in publication. I have taken on the significant and time consuming task of mashing a series of English(ish) words together into a semi-recognizable format with the intent of informing and entertaining the Sea Lancer’s membership. What we desperately need is a highly motivated and easily manipulated member that is semi-fluent in the English language to take over this atrocity of a newsletter and make it something great. There is an official Staff position with a few minor, easily accomplished duties to accompany the position that are hardly worth mentioning here. If you have an interest in the Publicity Chair position, please send and email to

Message from the President

Aloha Sea Lancers,

What an exciting month October has been...Sharks Cove has been great this late in the year, membership is growing, and we have been working hard to get our club modernized and moving forward. The big news is that the Board of Directors has finalized and accepted a much-needed revision of the Sea Lancers governing documents. Following the procedures in the existing bylaws, we are submitting the proposed Bylaws to the General Membership (attached) for review prior to a vote to adopt. Due to the pandemic, we will not be holding an in-person vote for acceptance but will be holding a virtual vote at the 18 Nov General Membership meeting. The details of how this will happen will follow shortly, watch your


Equally big news is one of our newer members, Steven Apsley, has graciously volunteered to update our website and is doing great things to make it more functional for members and prospective members. We will soon have the capability to collaborate as members on the Sea Lancers Forum which will enable us to share dive-site info, plan dives with other members, share dive industry news and information, and even buy/sell/ trade dive gear. Additionally, our new web page will help streamline the process of becoming a Sea Lancer by giving new members the ability to fill out the membership application form, take the safety and hazmat training and test, and even pay membership dues all online. Stay tuned and look for an email for guidance on how to register, log-in, and flex this new tool.

Another exciting item to look forward to soon is the rebirth of the Sea Lancers Newsletter, Bottom Times. Your Vice President, in an attempt to revive this venerable time, spent 10-15 minutes and slapped a few nonsensical words together for your perusal and harsh criticism of his literary malfeasance. We as a Board are desperately looking for a half-literate member to take over the Public Relations position to take over this effort and other things having to do with the public face of Sea Lancers Diving Club. If you are interested in volunteering your time, please let me know via email, text, phone call, or personal conversation (from behind a mask standing 6 feet away, of course). Additionally, if you have ideas/articles for items for inclusion in Bottom Times, please shoot an email to

Safe Diving!

Bart Jingst

Sea Lancers President

In this Newsletter:

- Hawaiian Dive Flag Laws

- Sea Lancer's Future Plans Moving Forward

- Tech Tip: Rinse your Crusty Tank

- Helping our Ocean: Sea Lancers Working with HMAR

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